This page summarizes the scarce information assumed to be known about the ADRES equipment believed to be operated by the personnel located one floor above the residence of the Affected Person.  This information is based solely on what could be heard by the Affected Person.
(1)  One of the units used is believed to be a passive device made out metallic parts containing a foldable frame, and which must include springs and / or sheet metal parts based on the sound it makes when it collapses and falls on the floor.  As such this device is believed to be something meant to focus something originating from the sky / space / etc. in a manner similar to, lets say, what the pyramids are speculated to be capable of.  It appears that this device would be installed at locations where the Affected Person would spend a lot of time.
The Affected Person heard this device fall onto the floor several times including one time when an ADRES administrator from the floor above knocked that structure down (as appears out of frustration that it didn't work, based on the verbal expressions heard accompanying the fall).  It should be mentioned that the research site residence has quite poor sound insulation in the bathrooms.
(2)  One device is moved on wheels (probably because it is heavy).
(3)  Another type of a device often makes a sound when it is relocated on the floor (even on the carpeted sections of the floor) and is believed to be a unit light enough that one can carry.  The fact that this device makes a "landing sound" when installed on carpeted sections of the floor makes the Writer believe that it may contain something similar to i.e. sharp metal "tips" meant to be digging through the carpet and the padding under it for proper operation, in which case relocation without making a sound would be hard to do.
(4)  Multiple ADRES devices are believed to be in use above the affected person to provide good coverage of areas of interest and better compensation for any shielding approaches implemented.
(5)  At least some of the devices used likely include highly sensitive imaging equipment i.e. for 3D mapping of the apartment one floor below.  This assumption is made on 2 observations.  (1)  The first observation is in reference to Fig. 11 in the declined 2023 SPIE Remote Sensing manuscript.  One day the Affected Person was sitting under the foiled mattress with the dome light above it turned off when an ADRES personnel from the floor above came home and was heard proceeding to the kitchen area.  At that moment the AP turned on the switch controlling the dome light above the mattress.  Immediately upon doing so the AP could hear the ADRES personnel from the floor above run towards the location of the foiled mattress reflector.  This could be an indication that the imaging equipment used in above the location of the AP (and the foiled mattress) was being over-saturated and needed to be switched off or manually regulated.  (2)  The second observation is related to the use of xenon photo flashes which appeared to create a disruption to the assumed ADRES operations one floor above.
About 15 years ago Writer attended a conference which covered 3D LIDAR imaging from helicopters which was meant for imaging of objects such as military equipment located in a forest under a dense tree canopy and under a camouflage cover.  Such applications were using novel imaging detectors with a sensitivity of a Photomultiplier Tube (PMT) but made as an array (matrix) similar to the solid state camera sensors.  One presentation showed how one such system allowed looking at different layers of a 3D image recorded, including under the canopy of the trees and being able to sense under the camouflage cover and discern the features of a tank having a barrel as a 3D image.
Writer believes that the ADRES technical implementation includes, among other things, highly sensitive 3D imaging equipment capable of providing a highly precise 3D image of an adjacent apartment.  Such information may then be run through models to establish the new relocation of ADRES equipment needed to bypass whatever shielding approaches an Affected Person could be implementing.  This would explain why it would often take several days after each shielding implementation attempted by the AP for it to become less effective.
Additional information:  The assumed ADRES administration personnel considered to be operating one floor above the unit of the Affected Person was observed to take showers right after placing some heavy objects at the locations above the Affected Person.  On a couple of occasions the AP could hear water left running for hours in the apartment above after the personnel of the apartment above would leave (the boiler could be heard turn on a off).  Such observations further support Writer's assumption that the ADRES activities include a form of sorcery. -|- Page created August 14, 2024, last edited December 25, 2024
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