Writer saw someone else's research funding proposal once where a scientific technique was outlined to perform a specific task.  After that outline something similar to the following was stated "Can this be done?  And the answer is a resounding 'Yes'.".
The experience of AP indicates that a lot of ADRES exposure is carried out during sleep when the body of the Affected Person is still.  As such the following "sleeping station" called DIVAN (from the Russian "диван" meaning a sofa or a couch, pronounced more like "Devon" in English) was implemented after several alternative attempts to design a sleeping station efficient in shielding from ADRES.  The DIVAN sleeping station is based on a frame of a couch (shown in Fig. 1 below) with the pillows removed and with some additions (see Fig. 2) meant to be convenient enough to use but also to provide some shielding from the ADRES exposure.  At the time of this writing no DIVAN implementation which would provide 100% effectiveness in shielding from ADRES has been found.  However the DIVAN is believed by the AP to be sufficient to provide partial shielding making the suffering experienced during the ADRES exposure less severe if used in combination with other techniques described on this website.
The overview photo of an earlier implementation of the DIVAN is presented in Figure 2.  As can be seen the sleeping station contains a roof made of 2 galvanized 25.75 inch x 96 inch Corrugated Galvanized Steel 31-Gauge Roof Panes (model: 13513 by Gibraltar Building Products) placed side-by-side with an overlap.   The roof panel closer to the side is bent down under its own weight at the edge of the couch providing additional shielding efficiency against the possible line of sight slant path oblique angle ADRES attacks from a higher elevation.  Previously (see the rejected SPIE manuscript) it was suggested that the roof panels are to be preferably used in combination with other materials such as plywood and the FOAMULAR NGX insulation panels for better shielding from ADRES.  It was found however that the use of plywood and FOAMULAR NGX insulation panels appeared to be causing irritation to the lungs of the Affected Person which is assumed to be attributed to the action of the ADRES techniques causing the synthetic substances contained in such building materials to outgas at a higher rate.  It should be pointed out that the removal of the non-metal roof components in the sleeping station also improved shielding from the "Submersion" type ADRES accompanied by an electrification feeling in the surrounding air (see types) which for a long time was a problem without a solution.  Although at the same time shielding from the "Digital (energy) droplets" ADRES type became worse, probably due to the increased gaps between the corrugated panels and the couch frame.  It must be emphasized that the sleeping surface has to be well insulated to limit the ability of the ADRES matter to seep through the sleeping surface.  This was found particularly important when a metal only roof is used.  Currently the sleeping surface is insulated with multiple smaller size pieces of painted (one side) plywood and aluminum foil covered cardboard even though past studies indicate that continuous (one piece) materials are preferred.  Additionally, the inner couch surface was lined with large heavy duty trash bags as can be seen in Fig. 3.
Note:  The steel panels mentioned above have very sharp (almost knife-like) edges and corners.  As such, care should be taken, and it is recommended to sand the edges of the steel panels with fine sandpaper and round the corners.  For the same reason taping the edges could be beneficial.
As can be seen the DIVAN is further equipped with a Bissell air400 air purifier at the left side of the couch.  The edge of the couch entrance is lined with stainless steel thermally insulated canisters or flasks filled with water.  A couple of spare thermally insulated canisters filled with water placed next to the air purifier may be used at locations inside the sleeping station for additional shielding.
As can be further seen from Fig. 2, there is a set of grounding wires leading into the sleeping station which are connected to ground.  The short wires attached at the edge of the roof panel is an experimental arrangement in an attempt to extend the Vertical Potential Equalization Technique onto the sleeping station.  The DIVAN is not currently shielded with metal panels at the sides or back, with the exception of a couple of metal case panels placed at both sides of the couch
As can be seen from Fig. 2 the divan is slightly elevated from the ground with plastic raisers.  As documented in this rejected SPIE manuscript it was observed during the ADRES studies that lifting the sleeping surface from the ground appeared to result in the reduction of the ADRES exposure severity.  Such variable elevation tests have not been carried out yet in the latest implementation of the sleeping station shown in Fig. 2.
Fig. 3 shows the head section of the inside of the sleeping area.  As can be seen, a grounded oversized hip flask (filled with warm water before going to sleep) is used in place of the pillow with a grounding strap (not shown) running under this oversized hip flask.  The back of the couch is currently covered with a couple of aluminum foiled lined cardboard panels and a 1/2" aluminum optical table.  The 2 wrist hip flasks are worn while sleeping in the sleeping station.  The two small size hip flasks are used in combination with the elastic strap to affix the hip flasks to the forehead and the lower section of the back of the head.
As can be seen further from Fig. 3, a steel grounding pole (rectangular cross section currently used) is placed in the sleeping station.  A grounded copper strap is connected to the grounding pole) as can be seen from Fig. 4
A large wool blanket was found to shield well against ADRES types such as the "feet wrap" and is being used to both cover the sleeping surface with and to cover with.
The couch being used as a frame has an angled edge tilted down towards the front as can be seen from Fig. 5 resulting in a better cover of the sleeping station entrance.  It should be mentioned that the seating surface is also tilted but in the opposite direction resulting in a "dive" deeper inside of the DIVAN towards the backrest.
Fig. 3 – a head segment of the inside of the sleeping station, Fig. 4 – copper grounding strap attached to and ran through the grounding pole, Fig. 5 – side view of the couch used as a frame for the sleeping station, Fig. 6 – roof of the sleeping station lined with water-filled hip flasks
Figure 3 (Download)
Figure 6 (Download)
One of the tests conducted by the Affected Person in the sleeping station while feeling the ADRES matter penetrate the sleeping surface and transfer to AP's body was to hold a water filled canister on AP's chest while laying on the back.  While doing so the AP could feel the ADRES matter transfer higher up towards the water filled canister.  This experiment supported the assumption that the ADRES matter is attracted to water and bulky metal/conductive materials and that the ADRES matter is somehow being manipulated to be lifted up through the sleeping surface.  To exploit on this finding in an attempt to further disperse the ADRES matter away from the body of the AP the roof was lined with water filled hip flasks as shown in Fig. 6.  This did seem to improve the shielding efficiency.
Preliminary tests suggested that vertically installed water-filled canisters in the sleeping station may have shielding benefits due to a larger vertical span.
Observations suggest that the ADRES techniques take advantage of variable elevations (i.e. applied to the feet and upper part of the body differently) and involve the use of a form of matter which appears to be more concentrated closer towards the floor and/or propagate from the floor up.  As such it was decided to conduct the sleeping station elevation experiments.
An example of the ongoing DIVAN experiments is presented in Fig. 7.  As can be seen, shielding and elevation tests (raising the DIVAN above the floor level) are being conducted.  The latest DIVAN elevation tested (measuring from the top front edge of the couch seating area to the floor) is 48.5 inches.   Previously tested elevations above the standard bed height include heights of 32 and 41 inch.  As can be inferred from the Orthodox cross oil marking visible to the left of the door frame at about the same height as the fire alarm in Fig. 7 , the research site apartment has been blessed by an Orthodox priest.  Elevation tests carried out up to a height of about 48 inches suggest that raising the bed surface above the standard bed height result in the ADRES effects being felt "softer" (in the presence of the roof and other shielding) as reported by the AP.
Further elevation tests will be performed after moving the DIVAN to another room for safety reasons and better outside air ventilation.
Future planned elevation tests may include a construction of a custom setup with a sleeping surface slightly higher than the top of the door frame.  Given the assumption of ADRES being initiated by some equipment placed one floor above the research site apartment where the Affected Person resides, setting up the sleeping station right above the top of the door frame may make it more difficult for the ADRES technique to be implemented due to the metal structures present in the ceiling and a requirement of using more oblique angles.  Raising the sleeping surface above the top of the door frame will also create separations between the rooms at that height due to the continuous wall structures above doorways.
Fig. 7 – Ongoing "sleeping station" shielding and elevation tests, including the addition of the "wings"
Figure 7 (Download)
Recent experiments included the addition of "wings" to the roof of the sleeping station.  This experiment was performed while DIVAN was elevated to 48.5 inch.  The addition of the "wings" appeared to result in a substantial improvement of the DIVAN shielding efficiency.  A similar improvement though not as substantial was observed 3 times before: (1) when the roof was made a metal only structure (the plywood and the FOAMULAR NGX removed), (2) when the roof was lined with water-filled hip flasks, (3) when the sleeping station was first raised up (to either 32 or 41 inches) above the standard bed height.
Note:  Previous observations suggest that a metal only roof (with no "dielectric" materials i.e. plywood, FOAMULAR NGX layer) should be used in combination with a sleeping surface covered with a dense uniform media such as plywood etc.  Otherwise the metal only roof was observed to result in harsher ADRES matter exposure.
One of the ways the ADRES matter is typically felt being created is within the "vibrational cloud" regions usually perceived as having a relatively high frequency and low amplitude
After adding the "wings" the shielding of the entrance of the DIVAN was improved by adding an extra metal panel to the roof.  The night after these modifications were introduced the remote sensing pulse was observed more times than usual with the perceived distance between the successive remote sensing pulse origins being shorter while progressing towards the head.
The above results related to the changes in the perceived remote sensing pulse may be an indication that the most recent DIVAN shielding modifications where substantial enough to outperform the ADRES remote sensing approaches implemented at the time.
It should be mentioned that even though initial shielding efficiency improvements to the design of the DIVAN may be substantial, they usually reduce several days after being implemented which is attributed to the modifications carried out by the ADRES administration personnel to bypass the new shielding schemes.  However the most effective shielding techniques implemented do appear to retain some of their efficiency afterwards.
Fig. 8 – Back side shielding panel, Fig. 9 – Left side shielding with a steel panel, Fig. 10 – Shielding of under the couch, Fig. 11 – Right side shielding with a steel panel, Fig. 12 – Right side shielding with a steel panel and foil
Further shielding experiments conducted are shown in Fig. 8 through Fig. 12.  Fig. 8 shows the shielding panel at the back of the couch.   As can be seen from Fig. 9 and Fig. 11 the sides of the couch were covered with steel panels which alone was found insufficient for partial shielding from the remote sensing pulse previously observed.  As such the foil covers used previously (see Fig. 7) were installed back (shown in Fig. 12).
Shielding of under the couch was attempted by inserting one extra steel panel between the couch feet as can be seen from the photo of Fig. 10 taken from under the couch.  It is not currently clear if shielding under the couch provides any benefit.
Due to the shielding benefit against the remote sensing pulse demonstrated by the wings, another set of bottom wings was added by using 2 partially overlapped steel panels for shielding under the couch.  It is not currently known if the addition of the bottom wings provides additional shielding benefits.
It should be mentioned that the experience of the Affected Person suggests that the ADRES treatment is likely a two step process consisting of (1) surrounding the body of the Affected Person with the ADRES matter, and (2) depositing the ADRES matter to the desired regions.  It is speculated that the reduced effectiveness of the remote sensing pulse makes it more difficult to deposit the ADRES matter to the desired regions with the necessary precision.  As such protection from ADRES is thought of as a process involving (1) the reduction in the concentration of ADRES matter around the body, and/or (2) blocking of the remote sensing pulse.
One other observation previously made but never mentioned is that the ADRES effects appear stronger in a closed air-conditioned room.  As such, one of the important steps in reducing the severity of ADRES effects appears to be making a room as outside open-air as possible.  Recently some odor was noticed to be coming from the vents in the residence of the AP lately, however it is not currently known if it is related to the ADRES treatment including the use of some gaseous chemical being introduced into the residence of the AP.
Fig. 13 – DIVAN sleeping station with a set of top and bottom "wings" and shielding
Figure 13 (Download)
The shielding improvements of the DIVAN carried out so far in reference to Fig. 13 did result in some improvements but they were not as significant as it had been hoped for.  The location of the DIVAN in Fig. 13 was next to a large outlet A/C vent.  Further elevation tests with better outside air ventilation were needed to make conclusions about the effectiveness of the techniques described above.
The spot the DIVAN was relocated to is shown in Fig. 14.  As can be seen, there are 3 windows in the room which were completely open most of the time during the tests (though the blinds where only partially lifted).  The relocation of the DIVAN to this spot is shown in Fig. 15.
Shortly after the relocation of the DIVAN an unusual vibrating cloud with unique properties was felt by the Affected Person while in the sleeping station.  The vibrating cloud was felt as having a pronounced vibrating core segment propagating towards the head, and was felt being able to squeeze under the armpit while propagating towards the head suggesting the capability to penetrate into tight spaces.  As the vibrating cloud neared the head the AP would place a water-filled stainless steel thermally insulated bottle at the locations where the vibrating cloud core was felt move to.  Presumably due to the water filled canister being in the way, the "vibrating cloud" would send out an unknown type of a remote sensing signal with a cone spread of 30 - 45 degrees as estimated by the AP.  The remote sensing signal appeared to be originating from, move and change direction together with the "vibrating cloud" core.  The sensing signal was perceived as being accompanied by metallic-like multi-frequency "sound".
2 level sleeping station designs shown in Fig. 16 and 17 were tested (with a foam mattress, not shown).  The design shown in Fig. 16 resulted in a significant reduction of the "vibrating cloud" effects but also resulted in some other effects like the "implantation" to get much worse.  The design shown in Fig. 17 was implemented as a compromise to get the "vibrating cloud" effect to go down while keeping the "implantation" type of ADRES lower.  A noticeable reduction in the intensity and effectiveness of the remote sensing pulse was also observed (especially over the first couple of days of this new implementation).
The 2 level design illustrated that even though shielding from ADRES is difficult, a multi-layer wide surface area / extended geometry shielding efficient against ADRES could be designed.
An overview of the new 2-level DIVAN sleeping station is shown in Fig. 18 through 25.  The new design appears to provide a good combination of shielding and better sleeping comfort with more sleeping area clearance.  A few more details about this design will be provided shortly.
Fig. 18 and Fig. 19 – 2-level sleeping station overview,  Fig. 20, Fig. 21, and Fig. 22 – side views of the DIVAN preliminary design,  Fig. 23 – first floor sleeping area,  Fig. 24 – second floor no longer used for sleeping,  Fig. 25 – a view of the the 2-level DIVAN frame
Figure 25 (Download)
The sleeping station experiments carried out so far and the observations made indicate that:
–  it should be possible to design a sleeping station efficient in shielding from ADRES
–  the sleeping station should be preferably located close to a wall or a corner bordering the street (to limit the number of available geometries for ADRES equipment installations one floor above the sleeping station)
–  better outside air ventilation reduced the ADRES exposure
–  higher elevation from the ground may reduce ADRES exposure if proper shielding of the sleeping station is used (further elevation tests needed for a final conclusion)
Experiments planned (to be implemented after October 30, 2024):
(1)  Additional elevation tests (will require a custom frame design for stability and convenience),
(2)  Shielding improvements,
(3)  Attempts to carry out physical measurements (i.e. air quality parameters etc.) around the DIVAN including the space between the DIVAN and the floor.
Note (December 11, 2024):   The research into the DIVAN sleeping station has been put on hold effective August 26, 2024 but may be resumed after April 20, 2025. The feasibility of the Pavilion Sleeping Station (PSS) is currently being investigated instead.
www.bytran.org -|- Page created July 10, 2024, last edited December 25, 2024
✉  Email:  bytran@bytran.org
© 2024 Dzianis Pliutau