
bytran -|- spectral calculations for portable devices using the HITRAN database

March 11, 2025:  Bytran was cited in JQSRT.  The paper points out a typo in the bytran theory overview.

February 3, 2025:  The content of bytran.org and bytran.by has been swapped.

November 12, 2024:  The October 31, 2024 deadline menitioned in the earlier announcement dictated by the Google Play targeted SDK requirement does not affect the bytran application presence at the Google Play store.  Even the recompilation of bytran 1.4 is complicated by the need to port the source code from Qt version 5 to Qt version 6 and the lack of bytran updates for over 5 years.  Towards this end an initial port of bytran 1.4 to Qt 6 was carried out.  An initial screenshot of bytran 1.4 (with some features disabled) being ported to Android 13 is shown below.

August 5, 2024:  The removal of the bytran Google Play account was prevented by submitting another application to the Google Play store.  The new deadline to issue a bytran software update (with a 2-month extension) is October 31, 2024 which is dictated by the Google Play targeted SDK requirements.  This update will be a recompilation of version 1.4 with a few improvements as a stepping stone towards Version 1.5.

Previous announcements can be found in the Announcements archive.

Planned for bytran 1.5

The features planned for bytran 1.5 update include:   (1) implementation of the Hartmann-Tran and a couple of other lineshape profiles,   (2) deploying our faster Voigt function algorithm as the default https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jqsrt.2021.107797,   (3) experimental support of the authenticated access to HITRAN Online using the HAPI API key,   (4) slight improvements to the desktop versions,   (5) support of the new SensorTag,   (6) providing binaries and/or compilation instructions for a number of more common Linux distributions.

Version 1.5 lineshape options window
Version 1.5 sensors selection window

The latest version of SensorTag LPSTK-CC1352R (see release information here) is significantly different from its predecessor SensorTag CC2650STK (alternative link) bytran currently supports.   Unlike its predecessor the new SensorTag has fewer built in sensors but combines multiple wireless communication protocols in one device and includes the TI's LaunchPad Microcontroller Development Board thus providing wide options for customization and the addition of new sensors and hardware.

The new SensorTag LPSTK-CC1352R lacks an on-board pressure sensor but it can be added by interfacing with a pressure sensor development board (see examples at Mouser and Adafruit) or else with a to be discontinued booster pack BOOSTXL-SENSORS plugin module which also includes other sensors.   As an alternative to the SensorTag the BOOSTXL-SENSORS may also be used with the new Wireless MCU Launchpad development kit.

Mobile versions

Android™ 4.4 and above, iOS 8 and above, or Windows 10 (ARM & x64).

Desktop versions

Desktop versions currently do not include and installer and contain unmodified mobile interface. Additional information about previous releases is available in the   Archive
  (1) Linux versions are currently unavailable due to the issues linking SSL libraries to access HITRAN over secure socket layers.   This issue will most likely be addressed with the release of bytran 1.5.   (2) The serial port profile Bluetooth connectivity used for remote control may not work (or requires additional setup) under Ubuntu and Mac OS.

Raspberry Pi board

Startng with version 1.3 bytran supports the Sense HAT add-on board.   To run bytran under Raspbian (tested on Stretch with Raspberry Pi 3) a script file supplied should be used as outlined in the readme file within the archive.

Source code

Distributed under the MIT license.   Cross-platform source code, written in Qt/C++.   Mobile and desktop operating systems supported.

Latest Version 1.4

Read this note to compile the source code for Raspberry Pi.


Distributed under the MIT license

bytran source code and binary are provided under the terms of the MIT license. The bytran binary distribution also includes dynamically linked Qt libraries it relies on which are distributed under the LGPL (Version 3) license, more information is available here.

Original bytran operation video

Example usage of the original bytran version 1.0 Alpha on a
Samsung Galaxy S3 Mini GT-i8200 running Android 4.2.2
(May 12, 2016; Minsk, Belarus)

About bytran

Bytran is an application for calculating atmospheric and molecular absorption spectra using the HITRAN database and the line-by-line method.

The concentrations of molecules, optical pathlength, total pressure, temperature, and other input parameters are used to model the gas mixture optical transmission spectra as a function of wavelength.

Bytran supports optional usage of SensorTag, Sense Hat, and cell phone sensors for calculations using empirical readings of ambient total pressure, temperature and humidity (H2O vapor concentration) .   For more information read the overview of bytran, the bytran publication and the change log of the bytran releases.

Radiance now viewable as "separate molecules"
Coordinate rulers added (activated on zoom)

The usage of cell phone sensors is currenly limited to the Android operating system due to the limitations of the Qt environment.

About bytran development

Bytran is an independently developed and privately funded software which was initially written in Belarus (Feb 20 - Aug 4,  2016) by a scientist who received training in the United States.  The development of bytran versions 1.0 and 1.1 and the work on the main bytran paper through its acceptance took place while the main developer was unemployed (April 16, 2015 - February 13, 2017).  The work on versions 1.1 though 1.4 took place mainly in the USA.

Thermometer, Barometer & Humidity sensors

Line-by-line calculations using measured meteorological data -|- Sensors may be used to provide empirical values of total pressure, temperature and water vapor concentration as input instead of manual entry -|- SensorTag, Cell phone built in sensors, Sense HAT


NOTE: The new SensorTag model LPSTK-CC1352R and the Wireless MCU Launchpad development kit are not yet supported by bytran, its support is planned for bytran version 1.5.

SensorTag (model CC2650STK) is a keychain size coin battery operated bluetooth device containing temperature (TMP007 and BMP280, ~ ±1 °C accuracy), pressure (BMP280, ~ ±1 hPa accuracy) and humidity (HDC1000, < 3% accuracy) sensors.   Starting with version 1.2 bytran is able to connect to SensorTag and access its sensors.   The SensorTag may be purchased directly from Texas Instruments or its distributors.


Cell phone sensors

Bytran is able to access cell phone built in sensors however this support is limited to the thermometers and barometers under the Android operating system due to the present limitations of the Qt environment.   Future bytran editions will likely include custom code to suppport the iOS operating system and the humidity sensor.   A search of cell phones with a barometer, thermometer and/or humidity sensor may be performed here.


Raspberry Pi's Sense HAT

Starting with version 1.3 bytran supports the Sense HAT add-on board for Raspberry Pi to measure ambient total pressure (LPS25HB, accuracy of 10 to 100 Pa), temperature (HTS221, < 0.5 °C accuracy) and humidity (HTS221, < 3.5% accuracy) for input into the line-by-line calculations instead of the manual entry.

Though not currently supported by bytran, alternatives to the Sense HAT board are emerging which are compatible with the Raspberry PI.   One such board is the Environmental Sensor Board by Coral.


Bytran is an independently developed and privately funded software which was initially written in Belarus (Feb 20 - Aug 4,  2016) by a scientist who received training in the United States.  The development of bytran versions 1.0 and 1.1 and the work on the main bytran paper through its acceptance took place while the main developer was unemployed (April 16, 2015 - February 13, 2017).  The work on versions 1.1 though 1.4 took place mainly in the USA.

The development of bytran would not be possible without the help from the Russian Orthodox Church (ROC) and the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia (ROCOR).

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