"The paper would be a lot stronger if even a single example of a practical use (ie a real-world, active implementation) for bytran can be given."
Reviewer number 3 of the main bytran paper


Pliutau, D., Roslyakov, K., "Bytran -|- spectral calculations for portable devices using the HITRAN database", Earth Sci Inform 10, 395–404, (2017), https://doi.org/10.1007/s12145-017-0288-4, or  read only online version

D. Pliutau, "Combined "Abrarov / Quine – Schreier – Kuntz (AQSK)" algorithm for the calculation of the Voigt function", JQSRT, Volume 272, 107797, (2021), https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jqsrt.2021.107797;
Typos: Value "1." should be "1.28" in Table 3,  in the supplementary files "Kuntz" is misspelled as "Kunz" in several places.
Note: The algorithm coefficients in the Fortran supplementary file need to be rewritten with a 'd' instead of 'e' in the exponent or else the calculated values will be limited to single precision.

Conference presentations

D. Pliutau, K. Roslyakov, "bytran -|- spectral calculations for portable devices using the HITRAN database", ASA-HITRAN 2016 Congress, University of Reims, France, August 24 - 26, 2016 (conference website,  book of abstracts,  abstract,  poster PNG,  poster PDF)

D. Pliutau, "Expanding bytran capabilities with hardware sensors and device interconnect", 15th HITRAN conference (united with the 14th ASA conference), Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA, June 13 - 15, 2018 (conference website,  book of abstracts,  abstract,  poster PNG,  poster PDF)

Conference posters

bytran posters at the ASA-HITRAN 2016 and HITRAN-ASA 2018 conferences

www.bytran.org -|- Page created in 2018, last edited July 8, 2024
  Email : bytran@bytran.org
© 2018 - 2022 Dzianis Pliutau