On this page a list of unpleasant ADRES effect types based on how they are physically perceived by the body is compiled based on the account of one Affected Person (AP) residing at the Hampton, VA research site.  Based on the AP's account most of the ADRES effect types listed below result in a perception of a foreign matter being introduced into the body which may feel as penetrating the body in a variety of ways with the primary final targeted regions being the neck and head (especially frontal head) area most frequently leaving a perception of a concentrated dense spot of foreign substance present primarily in the neck or the neck-to-head interface regions.  The AP believes that such ADRES effects are attributed to a set of methods meant to interface with the human brain, spinal cord and other body tissue if successfully implemented.
(1) Pulsed injection
(2) Vibrating cloud
(3) Burning spheres
(4) "Feet wrap"
(5) Submersion
(6) Seep through (sleeping surface)
(7) Pool flotation (sleeping surface)
(8) Implantation
(9) Illumination (continuous or pulsed)
(10) Digital (energy) droplets
(11) Foot piercing
(12) Muscle trigger
(1) Pulsed injection: The "Pulsed injection" is a shot or electrical discharge like application of the ADRES matter to a desired region causing a quick application of ADRES matter to a selected region (typically somewhere within the neck region (between the neck spinal bones) bordering the spinal cord). After the "Pulsed injection" a plume of dense matter is felt quickly settling near the targeted region.
(2) Vibrating cloud: The "Vibrating cloud" can be induced at varying locations and appears to require a surface to be attached to.   The processing with a vibrating cloud is typically induced by initiating a vibrating cloud at the surface selected body regions rest upon (i.e. a pillow, seat etc.).  The exposure to the vibrating could results in a perception of foreign matter "imbedded" in to the body tissue within the region where the vibrating cloud is felt.
(3) Burning spheres: The "Burning spheres" leaves a burning sensation at selected skin regions which was originally assumed to be attributed to a form of directed electromagnetic illumination but is now believed to be somehow induced as spherical energy regions overlapping the body tissue to be affected.
(4) "Feet wrap": The "Feet wrap" starts by a feeling of a form of turbulent matter circulating around the feet.  Such turbulent matter is then usually felt to be transferred over towards the head where it is believed to be used to penetrate and bond to the body.  The AP has also felt the "Feet wrap" matter being induced at the torso and directly at the head sometimes.  More recently the "Feet wrap" was also felt while standing and seating at a higher density and extending from the feet up along the legs.
(5) Submersion: The "Submersion" technique is usually used when other more precise techniques cannot be used.  The submersion technique can be felt as a cloud of substance surrounding the body and may sometimes feel as if it had an associated electric charge.  Several submersion instances were also accompanied by a feeling of suffocation though it is not clear if it was ADRES related.
(6) Seep through (sleeping surface): "Sip through" is an ADRES technique experienced on an inadequately protected/shielded sleeping surface when the ADRES matter is felt penetrating the body by "seeping through" the sleeping surface.
(7) Pool flotation (sleeping surface): "Pool flotation" is for an unprotected sleeping surface which feels as if the Affected Person was on a mattress in a swimming pool with the top surface of the mattress leveled with the level of water where the top surface of the mattress would correspond to the sleeping surface and the water represent the ADRES matter.  In this case the highest pressure points (i.e. at the hip bone) would result in those points getting submerged into the ADRES matter.  According to the account of the Affected Person this ADRES type is capable of causing an injury to the tissue.  An exposure to this type of an ADRES signature caused the AP the loss of control of one of the shoulder muscles which took about 3 weeks to recover.
(8) Implantation: The "Implantation" technique is felt as different foreign objects being introduced into the body by translational or rotational motion as described in section 7.3.2 of this rejected manuscript.  Based on the AP's experience this technique is believed to be able to cause light bodily tissue damage if used repeatedly on the same region (the shoulder in the case of AP).
(9) Illumination (continuous or pulsed): The "Illumination technique" which my feel as a continuous "stream" or a "pulse" of an unknown radiation/matter is felt to have the capability to spread to different body regions from the body region where the exposure took place.  Different regions may be targeted but the hands is where this type of ADRES has been felt most often to be initially applied to.
(10) Digital (energy) droplets: The "Digital (energy) droplets" is a technique which is usually used while asleep by repeatedly sending a form of droplet-like felt form of energized matter capable of accumulating in the body causing discomfort.
(11) Foot piercing: Piercing penetration of some matter into the side of a foot which feels almost like an electric discharge but not quite.
(12) Muscle trigger: This technique does not appear to deposit any foreign matter into the body but is rather used to trigger the muscles of an Affected Person to cause spontaneous movement causing awakening.  It is not clear if this technique is implemented though the infusion of a foreign matter into the tissue first or though the presence of a form of matter around the body of an affected person.  This technique appears to be a non-functional harassment technique meant at disturbing the sleep of the affected person.
www.bytran.org -|- Page created July 2, 2024, last edited July 15, 2024
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